Tailored Management Consulting for the Healthcare Sector

Empowering health care service providers to excel by maximizing their resources, reducing inefficiency, and improving quality.

Headquartered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with a satellite office in New York City, Refulgent Strategies is committed to delivering top-tier services to our clients. Our firm specializes in using quality metrics to inform and advise providers in the execution of their organizational missions.

Whether you are an insurance company, hospital, independent physician association (IPA), federally-qualified health center (FQHC), medical group, pharmacy, pharmaceutical company, or a laboratory, we will help your organization maximize its operations. Our team, which brings extensive experience serving at the highest levels of the non-profit, business and government sectors in Puerto Rico, the US, and international markets, will demonstrate steadfast commitment to your mission.

Areas of Practice

General Services


We are committed to giving you a competitive edge by providing more than just traditional management consulting. Our offerings include negotiation strategy and support, business development guidance, logistical support for meetings, presentations, public forums, and project management. We can also advise you regarding the Medicaid Program and its regulators, such as the Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration (PRHIA/ASES).

Organizational and Operational Development


For a company to excel in the market, its operations and organization must be at its best. As such, we provide business leadership performance coaching and development, organizational designing and restructuring, internal process improvement, development and implementation of performance evaluations, and assistance in developing educational and training services.

Compliance and Risk Management


The healthcare sector is highly regulated and quickly evolving, often making providers face significant risk and financial pressures. The Compliance and Risk Management team can support you in implementing thorough risk management strategies and ensure that you comply with state and federal regulations while minimizing cost and maximizing operational efficiency.

Analytics and Actuarial Services

Here at Refulgent Strategies, we are equipped to provide a wide range of actuarial services to our clients. These include employee benefits consulting, rate benefits reviews, reserve reviews, capitation arrangements and provider risk contracting analysis, financial modeling, practice, rehabilitation, and runout management.